Friday, September 11, 2015

A Prayer!

My Father who art in heaven!

You are God! There is none like You.
You rule over heaven and earth; All things are made by You.
As Your creation, a creature of Your handiwork, I acknowledge You; I submit to You; I cling to You and I bow in worship before You. 

In one brief phrase - I love You!

Everything I need is in You. My soul is satisfied when I am with You.
You bring meaning and purpose to my existence.
Thy mighty hand and Thy perfect wisdom - they guide me into Thy best.
You sustain me; You cover me; You reveal Yourself to me and You fellowship with me.
Even my hope is secure in You.

Despite my constant failings; Inspite of all my stubbornness - You show me exceeding mercy, immense patience and overflowing compassion. Thy love is so enduring. You never give up on me.

I don't want to let You down Lord. I never want to grieve You.
Help me! Please help me to lay hold of that for which I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.

I ask this of You in Jesus' name. Amen!