Saturday, April 25, 2020


I wrote down my thoughts to cope with losing my friend. Here is what I put down:

I loved Reena dearly. I considered her as my own. I was afraid I would lose her. This fear has now become a reality. It is understandable therefore that we should weep because we will miss her. We will miss seeing her smile; we will miss talking to her; or receiving messages from her. Some went to Reena to pray. Some ran to pour their heart out because they knew that Reena would listen and provide counsel. Now Reena is no longer here. For this reason, we will miss her.

However, through most of yesterday, even while Reena was on life support, my mind was pinned to this thought which I will share with you now:

Do not grieve for Reena. Do not grieve because she has gone from our midst. Rather, grieve for ourselves. The Messiah Himself said that those who mourn for themselves are blessed. And why do I say this? Listen!

Reena is safe; far safer than we are.

Reena has nothing to be afraid of now. We have.

Reena will not have to face the difficult times which are already at hand. We will.

Reena has run her course. She has finished the race. We still have a course to run. Our race is not over yet.

Reena persevered through very difficult times. She persevered in pain. She persevered alone in her room. She was frustrated at times but she persevered with hope knowing Who she had believed in. She has no need to persevere any more. She is at rest.
We on the hand, still have need of perseverance. We still need to battle so that we do not forsake the truth. We still need to guard ourselves from the great falling away (or the apostasy) that the Holy Spirit has been warning us will surely come.

Do not mourn that Reena has gone from this world. Rather rejoice. Rejoice because she is safer right now than we are.
Blessed, instead, are those who mourn for themselves. And while you mourn, gird yourself. Be prepared for the time that is about to come by behaving as children of light (who walk in truth). Such have nothing to fear. The day will not come as a thief in the night for those who are dressed in readiness; who walk in the commandments given by the Father. Mourn and weep for this. The promise from the Messiah is that you will be comforted.