Friday, May 4, 2018

Song of Ascents - Psalm 124, Verse 5

Yes! Were it not for You dear Father, truly the tempest of life—with all its cares and worries; all the pain the comes from the pursuit of riches; and all the anxieties and fears that overtakes us when we live with the mind of this world—all these things would have come upon us like raging waters, sweeping over our souls. We just need to look around and we see that the whole purpose of "life" the way You desired for us to enjoy it is lost upon men of this earth. They have made their existence into some kind of competition, a rat-race of sorts. They know within them that their lives are but the duration of a breath and are fully conscious that they will leave with nothing from this earth but yet are so consumed with the mindset of this world that they are oblivious and sometimes helpless as they watch themselves swept away with the current of the tide. But You have commanded us saying, "Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust does not destroy and thieves do not break in and steal." You said, "Seek first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all that we need shall be added to us." 

Thank You for the Father care and Godly wisdom that You have so mercifully granted those who hearken to Your voice. Thank You that because You are on our side we have no lack and no fear. Thank You for preserving us from being swept away by the torrent of foolishness. I bow my knees before Thee in gratitude. 

As for all of us Your children, may we sincerely long for and surrender to Your perfect will to be accomplished in us, because it truly is the best. Also may we have the courage to trust You completely knowing that You never fail.

Song of Ascents comprises of a collection of 15 psalms from Psalm 120 to 134. While there are a number of suggestions as to what the phrase, “Song of Ascents” could mean, one thought is that these psalms were sung by Israel as they went up to Jerusalem to celebrate the three annual feasts that the Lord had commanded (Lev. 23; Ex. 23:14). 

We have concluded the seven-day Feast of Unleavened Bread which started on the 15th day of the first month of the Biblical calendar (or on the evening of March 30, 2018). During this seven day feast, Israel went up to Jerusalem singing these Songs of Ascent. 

From the day of First-fruits, which was the day our Lord rose from the dead, we have now completed 33 days of counting up to the fifty days to Shavuot (Lev. 23:15-16), the next feast day of the Lord. This counting is also a good reminder of the fact that after our Lord Yeshua rose again, He revealed Himself to His disciples and to many others for 40 days. This means that even as we have counted 33 days to Shavuot, our risen Lord showed Himself with convincing evidence on each of these days—walking with them and eating with them—to help them understand that He truly is alive. Ten days after His ascension, on Shavuot, the Holy Spirit was poured out from heaven and filled men and women, clothing them with power from on high. 

My purpose of posting a verse from these psalms each day (during these days between the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot) which in Greek is called Pentecost) is so that we too—if you are a son (or daughter) of Israel, even though you once may have been a Gentile but now through the great grace shown to us by the Father and through the blood of the Messiah Yeshua—can pilgrim into the presence of the Most High God (for we are the temple of God and the Holy Spirit dwells in us) singing these psalms to Him who sits on the throne (in heaven and in our hearts). 

Join with me then O son of Israel and let us exalt the name of our God together as we pilgrim on His appointed feast days just as He commanded.

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